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BlueStep Systems LLC
BlueStep Systems LLC.
1. Privacy. BlueStep Systems LLC ("BlueStep"), a Utah company, hosts and powers this web site on behalf of Beehive Homes of Henderson. BlueStep regards the privacy and security of user information as a critical component of the services we offer. The following information explains BlueStep's information-gathering and disseminating practices as they relate to the relationship between BlueStep and Beehive Homes of Henderson.
2. Hosting. BlueStep is the host of this web site. This means that all of the data associated with this site is stored on and accessed through BlueStep infrastructure (servers, routers and other hardware). Beehive Homes of Henderson has contracted with BlueStep to make content or services available at this web site for the use and benefit of its members, constituents or other affiliates.

Additionally, Beehive Homes of Henderson may make content and services from other web sites available to you from links located on sites hosted by BlueStep Systems LLC. These other sites are not subject to this privacy statement. If you are concerned about how your information may be used by these sites you are encouraged to investigate each site's privacy policy or directly contact the host of these sites.

3. Registration. When you register to use software applications on this site or to participate in other services available on this site, you are required to supply certain personal information, such as your name and e-mail address. Beehive Homes of Henderson determines what types of and how much of your personal information are collected.
4. Use of Your Personal Information. Beehive Homes of Henderson is the administrator and operator of this web site and is the ultimate recipient of any personal data exchanged, uploaded, or collected at this web site. BlueStep exercises no control over this data except as may be required to maintain your account or for the benefit of Beehive Homes of Henderson. BlueStep will use your personal information only to contact you directly with the permission of Beehive Homes of Henderson or to verify your registration data. Except for certain rare and isolated situations as indicated in this statement, Beehive Homes of Henderson is solely responsible for how your personal data is used after it has been captured by BlueStep servers. BlueStep exercises no rights or ownership in your personal information and will never sell, rent, license or exchange your personally-identifiable information with a third party, nor will your personally-identifiable information be shared by BlueStep with advertisers or partners.

However, BlueStep is not responsible for the way(s) in which your personal information may be used by Beehive Homes of Henderson. If you are concerned about how your information may be used, you are encouraged to investigate the privacy practices of Beehive Homes of Henderson by reading their privacy policy or contacting them directly.

5. Privacy Basics. BlueStep encourages its clients, including Beehive Homes of Henderson, to develop and implement a privacy policy that complies substantially with the fair information practice principles promulgated by the Federal Trade Commission. Here is a brief summary of the core principles that should be included in a comprehensive privacy policy.
The Notice/Awareness principle requires that consumers be given notice of a company's information practices before personal information is collected from them. The scope and content of the notice will vary with a company's substantive information practices, but the notice itself is essential. The Choice/Consent principle requires that consumers be given options with respect to whether and how personal information collected from them may be used. The Access/Participation principle requires that consumers be given reasonable access to information collected about them and the ability to verify and update that data's accuracy and completeness. The Integrity/Security principle requires that companies take reasonable steps to assure that information collected from consumers is accurate and secure from unauthorized use.
For additional information, you can go to http://www.ftc.gov/reports/privacy3/toc.htm and review the FTC document dated June 1998, entitled "Privacy Online: A Report To Congress". This Report includes excellent information regarding the requirements for an effective Privacy Policy.
6. Limited Disclosure Exceptions. BlueStep reserves the right to disclose your personally-identifiable information without your permission or the permission of Beehive Homes of Henderson in the following limited circumstances: (i) if BlueStep is required to do so by law, or (ii) if BlueStep has the good faith belief that such action is necessary to conform to applicable laws or comply with legal process served on BlueStep, or to protect and defend the rights or property of BlueStep or another subscriber or to enforce the Acceptable Use Terms and Conditions.
7. Correcting, Updating, or Reviewing Your Personal Information. You can review and update your user profile at any time. While logged on to a BlueStep-powered web site, you can access your user profile by clicking on the user profile link at the top of the page. Your profile will be displayed and you will be able to edit and update your personal information.
8. Security. Once your information has been captured by our system, the security of that information is maintained by industry-standard SSL encryption methods and is stored in secure operating environments that are not available to the public. All of BlueStep's employees are dedicated to maintaining and upholding your privacy and security and are aware of our privacy and security policies.
9. Non-Personal Information. BlueStep servers gather non-personal information from your PC such as your IP address, domain, operating system and browser version. This information is not linked to any personally-identifiable information and is used in aggregate to analyze trends, administer the site, gather broad demographic information, and to ensure that the web site will have a pleasing appearance and be easy for you to navigate. Except for these purposes, this information is not used to track your online activities or to identify your personal information.
10. Cookies. Cookies are pieces of information that a web site transfers to your computer's hard disk for record-keeping purposes. Cookies do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user's computer. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you would prefer, you can set your browser to refuse cookies. However, you may not be able to take full advantage of a web site if you do so. BlueStep uses cookie technology to personalize your site experience and help you navigate the site more easily. Our cookies do not store sensitive information such as passwords or credit card numbers.
11. Changes to This Privacy Statement. BlueStep reserves the right to change or update this Privacy Statement at any time. You can review the most current version of the Privacy Statement at any time at this site.
12. Contact Information. If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Statement, the privacy practices of BlueStep, or your dealings with this web site, please contact us at: clientcare@BlueStep.net or call 1-800-410-0257.
Last Update: April 2, 2008